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Special Education Effective Instruction and Inclusion
Effective instructional practices and inclusive teaching include intentionally and purposely creating, designing, and developing learning opportunities that ensure all students, regardless of their background, skill, or developmental level, are taken into consideration, and a student-centered learning environment is created. Educators need to have a rich and adaptable understanding of content, use various instructional strategies, and personalize instruction to meet each student’s needs. Creating an inclusive classroom focuses on establishing a teaching and learning environment that considers all forms of individual and group characteristics.
Co-teaching is the instructional arrangement in which a general education teacher and a special education teacher deliver core instruction along with specialized instruction, as needed, to a diverse group of students in a single physical space. Co-teaching partnerships require educators to make joint instructional decisions and share responsibility and accountability for student learning.
Co-teaching Handbook Utah Guidelines
Co-teaching Lesson Design Template
Significant Cognitive
Who is a Student with a Significant Cognitive Disability?
Alternate Achievement Standards
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM)
English Language Arts:
Essential Elements for English Language Arts
Assessment Blueprint English Language Arts
Tested Essential Elements and Mini Maps for English Language Arts
Essential Elements for Mathematics
Assessment Blueprint Mathematics
Tested Essential Elements and Mini Maps for Mathematics
Essential Elements for Science
Assessment Blueprint for Science
Tested Essential Elements and Mini Maps for Science
Professional Development to Professional Learning
Extended Core SEEd Standards for Grades 6-8 Webinar
Professional Development
DLM Professional Development Modules
All Modules in Alphabetically Order
All Modules Organized by Claim and Domain
E-mail DLM at dlm@ku.edu if you have questions about the videos or encounter any problems accessing them.
Tanya Semerad
Autism and Significant Cognitive Specialist
Phone: (801) 538-7726 | E-mail
Utah Standards for Instructional Paraeducators
Utah State Board of Education Paraeducator Manual
Utah State Board of Education Instructional Paraeducator Evaluation/Feedback Form
Paraeducators to Teacher Scholarship Opportunity (PETTS)
Utah Multi-Tiered System of Supports (UMTSS)
Utah Multi-Tiered System of Supports (UMTSS)
Utah State Board of Education Utah Multi-Tiered System of Supports (UMTSS)
Samantha Sego
Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS)
Phone: (801) 538-7902 | E-mail
Handbooks and Guides
Interventions in High Quality Tiered Mathematics Instruction Technical Assistance
Meaningful Inclusion for Students with Disabilities Implementation Guide
Specially Designed Instruction
Specially Designed Instruction: What is SDI
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Reflective Framework
Reflective Framework for Individualized Education Program (IEP) Full Manual
Reflective Framework for Individualized Education Program (IEP) Development Section
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Reflective Framework Accommodations and Modifications Section
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Reflective Framework Special Factors Section