Title IV, Part B: 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) Grants
Grant Application Information
Grant Profile
If your organization does not have a profile with Utah Grants, please complete the Utah Grants Information for Organizations Interested Utah State Board of Education (USBE) 21st CCLC Grant through Google Forms.
Grant E-mail List
If you are interested in being added to the e-mail list for the 21st CCLC Grant release, please complete Utah State Board of Education (USBE) 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) Grant Email List Form through Google Forms.
21st CCLC Grant Competition Information and Application Documents
School Year 2020-2021
Grant Application
USBE 21st CCLC Grant Orientation School Year 2020-2021
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1964: Community Learning Center
School Turnaround and Leadership Development Act Utah State Identified Turnaround
School Turnaround Grant
Scoring Rubric for 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) Grant 2020-2021 (239 Points Total)
Competition and Awards
School Year 2019-2020
Scoring Rubric for 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) Grant 2019-2020 (239 Points Total)
21APR Reporting
21APR is the United States Department of Education’s 21st Century Community Learning Center’s (21st CCLC) data collection system. The 21APR is designed to collect, from all active 21st CCLC, descriptive information on program characteristics and services as well as performance data across a range of outcomes. In addition, one of the core purposes of the APR is to collect information on the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) performance indicators associated with the 21st CCLC program. Every program site receiving 21st CCLC funding needs to complete the reporting system. If you needed your password reset or a authorized user added, please e-mail Kamille Sheikh.
United States Department of Education Authorized Users Login
Evaluation Reports
Statewide Comprehensive Evaluation Efforts Plan
Statewide Comprehensive Evaluation Efforts Plan
This report provides an overview of the current evaluation efforts for the grant program
Afterschool Program Quality Improvement in Utah: Development of a Program Quality Framework
This report includes information from two studies of afterschool program quality in Utah, based on Senate Bill (S.B.) 125, 2017 General Session, focusing on current afterschool program quality improvement practices and recommendations for future quality improvement efforts. S.B. 125 required the Utah State Board of Education to establish rules for high quality afterschool program standards.
Afterschool Program Quality Improvement in Utah Report
University of Utah, Utah Education Policy Center
21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC): Services and Innovative Practices in Utah 2016-2017
This report include an evaluation of the 21st CCLC program sites. The dual purposes of the evaluation were to examine current 21st CCLC program offerings and identify 21st CCLC sites with exemplary and innovative program practices.
21st Century Community Learning Centers Services and Innovative Practices in Utah
University of Utah, Utah Education Policy Center
21st Century Community Learning Centers
21st Century Community Learning Centers Non-Regulatory Guidance
United States Department of Education
The National Center for Quality Afterschool
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL)
21st CCLC Career Pathways Grant
The Utah 21st CCLC OutâofâSchool Time (UOST) Career Pathways Collaboration project is designed to create connections between out of school time programs and Career and Technical Education (CTE) career pathways leading to students receiving out of school time programming aligned with the school day pathway training. USBE, including the ESEA Federal Programs and Related State Initiatives (ERSI) and CTE teams, Utah Afterschool Network, Certiport, and Amazon Web Services (AWS), are collaborating to build a bridge between CTE and out of school time programs. This project is funded through supplemental 21s CCLC funding through the Department of Education.
Below are current participating grantees:
- Boys and Girls Club of Northern Utah (with support of Box Elder School District)
- City of South Salt Lake (with the support of Granite School District)
- Davis School District
- Provo School District
- Salt Lake County Youth Services (with the support of Granite School District)
- San Juan Foundation (with the support of San Juan School District)
- University of Utah (with the support of Granite School District)
- 21APR State Education Agencies (SEA) Data Guide
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