Department of Workforce Services (DWS)
Interactive Data Resources
Demographic Data
Demographics deal with peoples, populations, and their characteristics. It is socioeconomic characteristics of a population expressed statistically, such as age, sex, education level, marital status, occupation, etc. A census is a collection of the demographic factors associated with every member of a population.
Local Insights
Local Insights is a product of the Workforce Research and Analysis Division of the Utah Department of Workforce Services. Its purpose is to provide current economic and labor market analysis for decision-making in the areas of regional planning, local economic development and policy design.
Annual Profiles (by state or county )
Industry Briefs by Region
As part of a cooperative agreement with the United States Employment and Training Administration, we provide the public with data and analyses that we collect in a variety of mediums about the labor market in Utah. Industry briefs present many different measures of industry conditions such as job growth, wages, and occupations in demand.
Training and Reference Materials
Resources for working with occupational data.
Training and Reference Materials
Utah Occupational Explorer
This tool can be used to easily explore, filter, and compare occupations and then view a detailed profile and list of current job openings for each one. There are 4 primary dimensions upon which occupations can be compared - demand, wages, growth, and education.