
CCA Calendar


The College and Career Awareness New Teacher Training Canvas course is now open. The Canvas course will be open from September 26, 2023 to April 30, 2024. After that time, educators will need to wait for the course to be updated for the 2024-2025 school year. This is a great course to complete if you need a refresher on any of  the following:

  • College and Career Awareness Strands and Standards (These were updated in May 2023 and effective school year 2023-2024.)
  • Understanding the importance of incorporating CTSOs into the CCA class
  • Why Work-Based Learning opportunities are important for students at the middle school level
  • Working with your counselors
  • How you can spend your CCA funds
  • CTE pathways and what they mean in the CCA course

Teachers can self-enroll into the CCA New Teacher Training by going to Canvas in one of two ways:

  1. Enroll in Fiscal Year 2024 CCA Annual Teacher Training
  2. Utah State Board of Education Canvas(External Web Content), Use Join Code TEHH3M

Please make sure to go through the Canvas course in its entirety. There will be videos that will direct you on how to complete the course. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. Upon completion of the course, educators can receive up to 8 hours relicensure points.

February 2024

CTE Month
February 1-29

Utah ACTE Conference
February 2-3

Bingham High School, South Jordan, Utah

Onsite Program of Quality Review
February 5-9
Washington School District
Success Academy (St. George Campus)

March 2024

Onsite Program of Quality Review
March 5-8
Beaver School District
Garfield School District
Iron School District
Kane School District

April 2024

Funding Application and Proposed Budget Due
April 1

June 2024

College and Career Awareness Summer Conference
Dates and Location to Be Announced