Family Day Care Homes (FDCH) Program

Family Day Care Homes (FDCH) Program


The Family Day Care Homes (FDCH) Program is a component of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Sponsors enter into an agreement with the State Agency to sponsor FDCH providers.

FDCH Sponsors receive a set administrative reimbursement based on the number or homes they sponsor. FDCH Providers receive meal reimbursements on a tier system that is based on provider income, whether the home is located in a low-income area, or the eligibility of the children enrolled in care. The number of meals and snacks eligible to receive reimbursement per day vary between sponsor type.

Qualifying and Applying

The Family Day Care Homes (FDCH) Program is a federally funded program designed to offer aid to help day care homes provide nutritious meals to children ages 12 and under. All FDCH sponsoring organizations must be either government or private nonprofit institutions. Private individuals and for-profit organizations are not eligible to function as sponsors.

Please contact the Utah State Board of Education Child Nutrition Program (CNP) for assistance understanding qualification requirements or if you need assistance with the application process. If you are a provider wishing to participate on the food program, please contact one of our FDCH Sponsors.

FDCH Sponsors

Alliance for Children
Paula Barton
5667 South Redwood Road
Number 5A
Salt Lake City, Utah 84123
Phone: (801) 313-1090 | Toll-free: 1 (800) 773-4731
Child Management Associates (CMA)
Debbie Loeffelbein
8831 South Redwood Road
Suite D1
West Jordan, Utah 84088
Phone: (801) 566-1007 | Toll-free: 1 (800) 223-3317
Child Care Nutrition (CCNP)
Michael Diehl
State University (USU)
6830 Old Main Hill Utah
Logan, Utah 84322-6830
Phone: (435) 797-2169 | Toll-free: 1 (800) 540-2169
Helping Hands (HH)
Susan Ison
5522 South 3200 West
Suite 110
Taylorsville, Utah 84129
Phone: (801) 955-6234
Orem Child Care Nutrition Program Inc. (OCCNP)
Dio Owczarzak
563 West 1700 North
Orem, Utah 84057-2523
Phone: (801) 224-2143 | Toll-free: 1 (800) 369-8936


Please contact the Utah State Board of Education Child Nutrition Program (CNP) for all training requests.

Reimbursement Rates

Reimbursement is provided to for-profit and non-profit child care and adult day care centers based on meals served to children at the established free, reduced, and paid rate depending on the eligibility of the child or adult being served. Sponsors of Head Start/Early Start, afterschool meal centers, and emergency/homeless shelters are reimbursed at the federally established free rate for meals served to eligible participants.

Reimbursement Rates
July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024

Reimbursement Claims

Claims are due to the Utah State Board of Education:

  • no later than the 15th of each month.
  • if the 15th falls on a weekend or a holiday, then claims are due the working day before the 15th.


In coordination with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) our office distributes policy memorandums to provide guidance and clarify program requirements and regulations.

Memorandum: New Bulletin Distribution Explanation
A quick tutorial on how our office structures and distributes policy.

Highlighted USDA/FNS Policy Bulletins/Memorandums

The following policy bulletins/memorandums provide urgent or highly requested content:

  • None at this time.

Waiver Request Protocol

Per the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Policy Bulletin SP15-2018, eligible service providers must submit their requests to waive Child Nutrition Program (CNP) requirements to their respective State agencies. State agencies must submit requests to waive CNP requirements to their Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) regional office. FNS regional offices will review the waiver request for completeness and verify that the applicant provided the required public notice of their request. Notice and information provided to the public regarding the proposed waiver should be in the same manner in which the state or eligible service provider usually provides similar notices and information to the public. Acceptable methods include, but are not limited to:

  • posting notice on the state agency's or eligible service provider's website; and
  • providing public notice through a printed announcement in the local/state newspaper.

Request FDCH Licensing Waiver

For all other related policy information, please refer to the Utah State Board of Education Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP).