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Suicide Prevention
Youth suicide is a serious public health issue in Utah, with the state consistently ranking in the top ten of the nation with the most significant mental health concerns. According to the 2023 Student Health and Risk Prevention (SHARP) survey, 17.6% of youth seriously considered attempting suicide and 42.7% of youth who felt sad, hopeless, or suicidal did not talk to anyone about it. Youth are resilient and can overcome mental health struggles with the right support, treatment, and resources.
Schools play a key role in reducing suicide risk and preventing youth suicide. Healthy relationships and connections in the school, home, and community can help protect youth. Schools promote protective factors by creating a safe learning environment and dedicated support networks where students feel connected and equipped to seek help when navigating challenges.
Suicide in Utah Youth, aged 10-17; 2017-2020
Utah Department of Health and Human Services
Risk Factors, Protective Factors, Warning Signs of Youth Suicide
There is Hope and There is Help
Visit Blueprint for Youth Suicide(External Web Content) for more information on the risk factors, protective factors and warning signs of youth suicide.
Risk Factors
- Previous suicide attempts
- Mental health conditions, such as depression
- Social isolation
- Substance use
- Family or peer conflict
- Access to lethal means (e.g. firearms and medications)
- Unsafe media portrayals of suicide
Protective Factors
- Coping and problem-solving skills
- Connections to family, friends, and community
- Access to health care
- Limited access to lethal means
Warning Signs
- Common warning signs include, but are not limited to:
- Talking about killing oneself, feeling hopeless, feeling like a burden, or having no reason to live
- Mood changes, including depression, anxiety, and agitation
Behavior changes
- Increased substance use
- Withdrawing from activities
- Isolating from family and friends
- Sleeping too much or not enough
- Giving away prized possessions
- Irritability
Need Help? Call the Lifeline
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Provides free and confidential emotional support for individuals in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Text or call 988 to speak to a licensed clinician.
SAFE UT: A Safe Place for Students and Educators
Live on Utah: Live On Utah is a statewide effort to prevent suicide by promoting education, providing resources, and changing our culture around suicide and mental health. Together we can get through, reach out, lift up, look ahead, and Live On.
Contact Us
Cathy Davis
Education Specialist
Suicide Prevention and Postvention Support;
Programs for Youth Protection/Parent Seminar;
Suicide Prevention Training for Educators/re-licensing
Phone: (801) 538-7861 | E-mail
Support Staff
Phone: (801) 538-7526 | E-mail
Law and Policy
Utah Office of Administrative Rules
R277-620: Suicide Prevention Programs
Utah State Board of Education Administrative Rules
- Suicide prevention model policies and programs for an LEA and training for parents about youth suicide prevention developed and provided through a collaboration between the Utah State Board of Education and the Utah Department of Health and Human Services.
Utah State Legislature
In 2014, the Utah State Legislature passed House Bill 23 (Title 53E-9-203 (7)) which allows a school employee to intervene and ask a student questions if the employee believes the student is at risk of attempting suicide, physically self-harming behavior, or thoughts of harming others for the purposes of:
- referring the student to appropriate prevention services; and
- informing the student’s parent or legal guardian.
53G-9-604. Parental notification of certain incidents and threats required
Outlines requirements for notifying parents if a student threatens suicide or is involved
in an incident of bullying, cyberbullying, hazing, abusive conduct, or retaliation.
Upon notification, provide the parent with suicide prevention materials and information
and information on ways to limit the student’s access to fatal means, including a
firearm or medication.
53G-9-704 Youth suicide prevention training for employees
The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) is committed to training and education that
can help school communities build capacity for effective suicide prevention. A school
district or charter school shall require a licensed employee to complete a minimum
of two hours of professional development training on youth suicide prevention every
three years.
R277-620: Suicide Prevention Programs
Utah State Board of Education Administrative Rules
The purposes of this rule are:
- to provide for collaboration with the Department of Health and Department of Human Services to establish, oversee, and provide model policies, programs for Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and training for parents about youth suicide prevention programs;
- to require LEAs to have and update youth protection policies; and
- (3) to direct LEAs to send notice to parents and protect the confidentiality of the required parent notification record regarding bullying and suicide incidents.
Healing Our Schools After a Loss Toolkit
The Healing Our Schools After a Loss Toolkit(PDF File) assists Local Education Agencies (LEAs) in implementing a coordinated response to the death of a student, staff, or community member. The toolkit includes information and resources to help the school community cope and reduce further risk.
Highlights within the toolkit include:
- Information regarding memorialization, milestones, and anniversaries of the event
- A comprehensive day to day checklist for response
- Templates for releasing notification letters to students, parents, and fellow educators
This toolkit has an accompanying Canvas course that will be available soon. For more information contact Cathy Davis or Michelle Knight.
Firearm Safety and Suicide Prevention Education
Increasing the time and distance between a person in suicidal crisis and their access to lethal means can reduce suicide risk and save lives.
HB 481 (2023) Firearm Safety and Suicide Prevention Educaiton takes effect on August 1, 2023 and modifies the suicide prevention materials and information a school shall provide a parent of a student in certain circumstances and amends 53G-9-601 and 53G-9-604.
To comply with this statute, the following suicide prevention materials and information on limiting a student’s access to fatal means, including a firearm or medication have been selected:
4 Simple Steps To A Medication-Safe Home(External Web Content)
The Jed Foundation
4 Simple Steps To A Medication-Safe Home (Spanish)
The Jed Foundation
When Firearm Safety and Safe Storage is Your Goal
Intermountain Healthcare
When Firearm Safety and Safe Storage is Your Goal(External Web Content) (Spanish)
Intermountain Healthcare
Your Child Has Talked About Ending Their Life: Whats Next?
Your Child Has Talked About Ending Their Life: Whats Next? (Spanish)
Side Effects of Social Media
Side Effects of Social Media (Spanish)
How Schools Can Take Action
The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) recommends the following action steps for schools:
- Promote emotional well-being and connectedness among all students.
- Identify students who may be at risk for suicide and assist them in getting help.
- Be prepared to respond when a suicide death occurs.
Although there are many other resources available for suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention, these are just a few resources that you might find helpful.
Suicide Prevention: SOS Signs of Suicide Program
(External Web Content)MindWise Innovations
Provides tools to help youth identify the signs and symptoms of depression, suicide,
and self-injury in themselves and their peers.
PREPaRE(External Web Content)
National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
The PREPaRE training curriculum and model outlines the duties of the members of a
school safety and crisis team during the four state of a crisis:
- prevention,
- preparedness,
- response, and
- recovery.
The PREPaRE curriculum provides foundation knowledge provided by the United States Departments of Education and Homeland Security and also incorporates the incident command structure as outlined by the National Incident Management System (NIMS).
13 Reasons Why(External Web Content)
Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
A complied list of commonly asked questions about the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why,
with accompanying resources to help parents, schools, members of the media, and community
leaders discuss the series and promote awareness about suicide prevention.
After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools(External Web Content)
Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
This toolkit is designed to assist schools in the aftermath of a suicide (or other
death) in the school community.
Preventing Suicide: A Toolkit for High Schools(External Web Content)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
This toolkit provides guidance on how to reduce risk among high school students.
Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide (SPTS)(External Web Content)
Information about teen suicide and links to many resources for educators, parents,
and teens can be found on this website.
The Jason Foundation(External Web Content)
Dedicated to the prevention of the "Silent Epidemic" of youth suicide through educational
and awareness programs that equip young people, educators/youth workers and parents
with the tools and resources to help identify and assist at-risk youth.
The Role of High School Teachers in Preventing Suicide(External Web Content)
Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
Provides information and resources on suicide prevention for high school teachers.
The Trevor Project(External Web Content)
A leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention
services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questions (LGBTQ) young
people under 25.
- Model School District Policy on Suicide Prevention: Model Language, Commentary, and
(External Web Content)
Native Americans
Center for Native American Youth(External Web Content)
The Aspen Institute
An educational and policy studies organization based in Washington, DC. Its mission
is to foster leadership based on enduring values and to provide a nonpartisan venue
for dealing with critical issues. The Institute has campuses in Aspen, Colorado, and
on the Wye River on Maryland's Eastern Shore. It also maintains offices in New York
City and has an international network of partners.
Suicide(External Web Content)
WERNATIVE: For Native Youth, by Native Youth
Suicide prevention resources and coping strategies for Native American youth.
Suicide Prevention and Care Program(External Web Content)
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska
Despite the strengths of American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) families and communities,
suicide remains a devastating and all too frequent event. Complex, interrelated factors
contribute to an increased suicide risk among AI/AN people and include mental health
disorders, substance abuse, intergenerational trauma, and community-wide issues. Factors
that protect AI/AN youth and young adults against suicidal behavior are a sense of
belonging to one's culture, a strong tribal/spiritual bond, the opportunity to discuss
problems with family or friends, feeling connected to family, and positive emotional
health.To Live To See the Great Day That Dawns: Preventing Suicide by American Indian
and Alaska Native Youth and Young Adults(External Web Content)
Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
Suicide prevention curriculum geared toward American Indian and Alaska Native Youth
and Young Adults
Children, Teens and Suicide Loss(External Web Content)
American Foundation of Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
Resources(External Web Content)
The Sharing Place: Grief Support for Children
R277-620: Suicide Prevention Programs(External Web Content)
Utah State Board of Education Administrative Rules
The purposes of this rule are:
- to provide for collaboration with the Department of Health and Department of Human Services to establish, oversee, and provide model policies, programs for Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and training for parents about youth suicide prevention programs;
- to require LEAs to have and update youth protection policies; and (3) to direct LEAs to send notice to parents and protect the confidentiality of the required parent notification record regarding bullying and suicide incidents.
Utah State Board of Education Suicide Prevention Media Channel
The Suicide Prevention YouTube Channel provides supplementary recorded webinars, suicide prevention training, and video resources.
Youth Suicide Prevention in Utah Schools
Help is Available 24 Hours a Day 7 Days a Week
If you live in Utah, call the Statewide Crisis Line at 1 (801) 587-3000 or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at
1 (800) 273-TALK (8255) | 1 (888) 628-9454 (Spanish) or dial 911. Website: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Media Resources
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL)
Logos and Awareness Ribbons
Lifeline Materials(External Web Content)
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Download logos, order brochures, and find recommendations to help raise awareness
online or cover issues of suicide in the news.
Utah State Board of Education
Never Worry Alone: Preventing and Responding to Youth Suicide (English/Spanish)
(PDF File)
Emotional Response Protocol for Elementary and Secondary Grades
Note: Lesson plans are in development.Suicide Prevention Media Channel
The Suicide Prevention YouTube Channel provides supplementary recorded webinars, suicide prevention training, and video resources.
Youth Suicide Prevention in Utah Schools YouTube(External Web Content)
Suicide Reporting Recommendations
Recommendations for Reporting on Suicide: Important Points for Covering Suicide(External Web Content) | Recomendaciones Para Reportar El Suicidio: Puntos Importantes Para Reportar El
(External Web Content)Reporting on Suicide
Suicide Reporting Recommendations: Media as Partners in Suicide Prevention
(External Web Content)American Association of Suicidology (AAS)
Utah Suicide Prevention Coalition
Creating Safety: Preventing Suicides in Utah(PDF File) | Creando Seguridad: Previniendo Suicidio En Utah(PDF File)
Firearm Suicide Prevention
Coming Soon
Help is Available 24 Hours a Day 7 Days a Week
If you live in Utah, call the Statewide Crisis Line at 1 (801) 587-3000 or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at
1 (800) 273-TALK (8255) | 1 (888) 628-9454 (Spanish) or dial 911. Website: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifelinea Morandy
(External Web Content)
53G-9-702 Youth Suicide Prevention Programs
As directed in 53G-9-702, all youth suicide prevention programs, in collaboration and coordination with bullying prevention programs 53G-9-607 and the underage drinking and substance abuse prevention program 53G-10-406, shall address:
Life-affirming education with topics that include:
- Resiliency
- Healthy habits
- Self-care
- Problem-solving
- Conflict resolution
- Methods of strengthening the family
- Methods of strengthening a youth’s relationships in the school and community
Programs in Secondary Schools shall also address:
- Prevention of youth suicide
- Decreasing the risk of suicide among youth who are:
- Not accepted by family for any reason, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning youth; or Suffer from bullying
- Youth suicide intervention
- Postvention for family, students, and faculty
Professional Learning
Youth Suicide Prevention Training for Employees
The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) is committed to training and education that can help school communities build capacity for effective suicide prevention. In accordance with the Utah State Legislature's Administrative Code Title 53G-9-704: Youth Suicide Prevention Training for Employees(External Web Content) “A school district or charter school shall require a licensed employee to complete a minimum of two hours of professional development training on youth suicide prevention every three years.”
Successful completion of this course fulfills the two hour professional development on youth suicide training requirement in accordance with: R277-620: Suicide Prevention Programs (Utah State Board of Education Administrative Rules). Once you have completed the course, please print out a copy of the training completion certificate for your records.
Course Information
- If you already have a USBE Canvas account, go to Enroll in 2023-24 Suicide Prevention Training.
- If you do not have a USBE Canvas account, go to Create a Canvas Account
- Click on I'm a Student.
- Enter the Join Code FW6MPF .
- Complete the Student Sign Up Form. Check that you agree to the terms, and then click on Start Learning.
This course is comprised of four modules:
- Introduction to Suicide in Utah
- Background Information on Suicide
- Preventing and Responding to Suicide
- Postvention as Prevention: How to Respond After a Suicide
At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to:
- Understand the scope of the problem of youth suicide in Utah.
- Build knowledge, attitudes, and skills to help prevent suicide.
- Demonstrate an increase in knowledge and skills to recognize suicide warning signs in order to intervene with someone at risk for suicide.
- Understand the legal and ethical considerations when responding to a suicidal crisis including student privacy laws.
- Identify resources for referral and support.
For help with USBE Canvas, please e-mail the Canvas help deskxternal Web Content)
LEA Training – Suicide Prevention Training Requests
Complete the survey below to request suicide prevention training for LEAs or charters. This training generally takes place in person and must have at least 10 participants. This training does not fulfill the requirement of the Youth Suicide Prevention training for employees, and it is additional to that training. For information about that required training, please see the information listed above under "Youth Suicide Prevention Training for Employees". Student Services Training Request Portal (TRP)
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)(External Web Content)
Living Works Education
A two-day workshop that teaches participants to carry out life-saving interventions
for people at risk.
L.E.T.S. Stay Safe is Utah’s Firearm Safety and Violence Prevention Program
(External Web Content)State of Utah Office of the Attorney General
Leave it alone; Educate others; Tell an adult; and Share threats against the school or other students with authorities. Formed in partnership
with the Utah State Board of Education and the Utah State Legislature, the Utah Attorney
General’s Office developed this program to help teachers and parents teach firearm
safety by providing teaching materials and safety guidelines for students and children
across the state.
Question. Persuade. Refer. (QPR) Institute(External Web Content)
The mission of QPR is to save lives and reduce suicidal behaviors by providing innovative,
practical and proven suicide prevention training.
safeTALK(External Web Content)
Living Works Education
A half-day workshop that prepares participants to identify those with thoughts of
suicide and connect them with life-saving first aid resources.
Utah Suicide Prevention Coalition
(External Web ContenYouth Mental Health First Aid
Mental Health First Aid
Designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers,
neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help
an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge
or is in crisis. Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who
regularly interact with young people.
Help is Available 24 Hours a Day 7 Days a Week
If you live in Utah, call the Statewide Crisis Line at 1 (801) 587-3000 or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at:
1 (800) 273-TALK (8255) | 1 (888) 628-9454 (Spanish) or dial 911. Website: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline