Utah School Safety Collaborative (USSC)

Utah School Safety Advisory Committee (USSAC)

It takes a community to provide all students with a safe and supportive learning environment. This statement became embodied through the Utah School Safety Advisory Committee. This group was created through a directive to The Utah State Board of Education, from the Education Interim Committee, in order to coordinate a state-wide, collaborative framework for school safety. This committee was to be formed with representation from the 4 school safety committees that had been formed individually across the state. These four entities were Utah School Superintendents Association, the Governor’s office, the Utah Safe Schools Commission, and the Utah State Board of Education. This coordination is a comprehensive approach to school safety, with the student is at the center of the conversation.

The School Safety Advisory Committee will meet quarterly throughout the year and continue to identify, establish, and update Utah’s school safety strategies.

The organizations represented on this commission are as follows:

  • Cache County Sheriff's Office
  • Charter Schools
  • Department of Health
  • Department of Public Safety
  • Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health and Department of Human Services
  • Governor's Office
  • Legislative Officials
  • Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel
  • Rural Schools
  • Sandy Police Department
  • Sate Fire Marshall
  • University of Utah Neuropsychiatric Institute SafeUT
  • Utah Education and Telehealth Network
  • Utah School Boards Association and Utah School Superintendents Association
  • Utah State Board of Education
  • Utah State Board of Education Advisory Committee on Equity of Educational Services for Students (ACEESS)


House Bill (H.B.) 120: Student and School Safety Assessment | House Bill (H.B.) 373: Student Support Amendments
Utah State Legislature


Framework Similitudes

Priorities, Recommendations, and Potential Legislative Asks from the Utah School Safety Advisory Committee 2019