Early Learning Program (ELP) Grant

Early Learning Program (ELP) Grant


The purpose of the Early Learning Program (ELP) is to improve the Early Literacy and Early Mathematics classroom instruction and student outcomes in kindergarten through grade 3. The ELP establishes an Early Learning Plan that includes early literacy, early mathematics, and goals.

Application and Due Dates

A Local Education Agency (LEA )(district or charter) shall annua"ly submit an Early Learning Plan to the Utah State Board of Education (USBE).

  • Prior to August 1, an LEA may submit its plan to the USBE for preapproval to gather feedback in preparation for the LEA submitting their plan to its local board. For preapproval e-mail earlylearning@schools.utah.gov.
  • For final approval, an LEA must submit their final Early Learning Plan, proof that their local board has approved it in an open, public meeting, and their budget in Utah Grants.
  • In addition, the LEA’s goals must be submitted into the Data Gateway for final approval. This final submission in Utah Grants and the Data Gateway is annually due no later than September 1 by 5 p.m.

ELP Plan Timeline (coming soon)

Early Learning Plan Template (coming soon)

Early Learning Plan Template Look-For (coming soon)

Pathways to ELP Plan Submission and Approval (coming soon)


$15 million in ongoing funding.

Allowable Funding Uses:

  • Evidence-based intervention curriculum
  • Literacy assessments that identify student learning needs and monitor learning progress
  • Focused literacy interventions that may include:
    • the use of reading specialists or paraprofessionals
    • tutoring, before or after school programs
    • the use of interactive computer software programs for literacy instruction and assessments for students
  • Portable technology devices used to administer literacy assessments

This funding cannot be used for:

  • purchasing core curriculum/materials
  • funding salaries and benefits of general education/special education teachers
  • funding educators supporting grades 4 and up
  • travel related expenses
  • to supplant funds for existing programs, but may be used to augment existing programs.


R277-406: Early Learning Program and Benchmark AssessmentsUSBE Administrative Rules

Title 53F-2-503: Early Literacy Program. Literacy Proficiency Plan
Title 53E-3-521: Requirements for Early Mathematics Plan
Title: 53F-4-201: State Board Required to Contract for a Benchmark Assessment System for Reading
Title 53E-4-307: Benchmark Assessments in Reading. Report to Parent
Title 53G-7-218: Establishment of Early Learning Plan Digital Reporting Platform
Utah State Legislature


Data Gateway
E-mail: apphelpdesk@schools.utah.gov

Utah Grants
Phone: (801) 538-7604
E-mail: utahgrants@schools.utah.gov


Molly Basham
Early Learning Mathematics Specialist
Phone: (801) 538-7529 | E-mail

Julie Clark
Literacy and Early Learning
Phone: (801) 538-7661 | E-mail

Christine Elegante
Education Specialist
K-3 Literacy
Phone: (801) 538-7782 | E-mail

Krista Hotelling
Education Specialist
K-3 Literacy
Phone: (801) 538-7794 | E-mail